This is my first contribution to this forum. Here is the matter:
After years of waiting for the graphical update that this game really needs but will not come, I have decided to do something myself and change the game's look.
Completely. And forever. There is no way back after you try this.
I intoduce you my preset, the ultimate graphic improvement for BeamNG.drive which makes use of the latest version of the advanced post-processing tool ReShade to...
[GRAPHICS ENHANCER] Cessni's ReShade Preset 1.3
This is my first contribution to this forum. Here is the matter:
After years of waiting for the graphical update that this game really needs but will not come, I have decided to do something myself and change the game's look.
Completely. And forever. There is no way back after you try this.
I intoduce you my preset, the ultimate graphic improvement for BeamNG.drive which makes use of the latest version of the advanced post-processing tool ReShade to...
[GRAPHICS ENHANCER] Cessni's ReShade Preset 1.3