This was the top vote on the Ibishu Pessima CoolMotors Rally thread so here it is.
"These cars were funded by the Gavril20 Racing Corporation, but shit, they have to make money somehow. Pay up"
Each of the 3 have a description and set price.
Pack Contains:
4.1L Low Budget Race i6
7.4L Turbocharged Rally Performace V8
7.4L Turbocharged Race Performance V8
Gavril Roamer Race/Rally Performance
"These cars were funded by the Gavril20 Racing Corporation, but shit, they have to make money somehow. Pay up"
Each of the 3 have a description and set price.
Pack Contains:
4.1L Low Budget Race i6
7.4L Turbocharged Rally Performace V8
7.4L Turbocharged Race Performance V8
Gavril Roamer Race/Rally Performance