United States - Any Requested Plates
Update N23
Request some United States plates that aren't the traditional plates, so they must be custom or vanity. For example, you could request a Veteran's South Carolina plate or an Alabama plate that says MURICA on it, but you could not suggest an ordinary Kansas plate.
Plates are now being created as you ask!
So you don't ask later, I will release all of the ones I have...
United States - Any Requested Plates Update N23
Update N23
Request some United States plates that aren't the traditional plates, so they must be custom or vanity. For example, you could request a Veteran's South Carolina plate or an Alabama plate that says MURICA on it, but you could not suggest an ordinary Kansas plate.
Plates are now being created as you ask!
So you don't ask later, I will release all of the ones I have...
United States - Any Requested Plates Update N23