I am working on an AWD modded sunburst and so far I have played with the engine, transmission, and turbo.
Does anyone know what would cause the transmission to feel like it's slipping?
When I do a nice smokey burnout, it will rev through 1st and 2nd gear and the tires will pour smoke, then when they gain traction the engine revs all the way to max in all of the following gears with little to no vehicle speed increase or tire smoke.
I thought my clutch torques might be set too low so I...
What would cause a modded transmission to "slip"?
Does anyone know what would cause the transmission to feel like it's slipping?
When I do a nice smokey burnout, it will rev through 1st and 2nd gear and the tires will pour smoke, then when they gain traction the engine revs all the way to max in all of the following gears with little to no vehicle speed increase or tire smoke.
I thought my clutch torques might be set too low so I...
What would cause a modded transmission to "slip"?