This app lets you change the skin of vehicle in the game.
How to use
Download any skin, create a folder for this skin in <game_folder>\content\vehicles\<vehicle_name>\skins (if skins folder does not exist - create it) and copy the skin files to this folder.
How to install
1. Just extract the archive in <game_folder>\html\apps ;
2. Add Skin selector app on the screen:...
Skin Selector (v0.5)
How to use
Download any skin, create a folder for this skin in <game_folder>\content\vehicles\<vehicle_name>\skins (if skins folder does not exist - create it) and copy the skin files to this folder.
How to install
1. Just extract the archive in <game_folder>\html\apps ;
2. Add Skin selector app on the screen:...
Skin Selector (v0.5)