Post Edit (Reason: Better Suggestion)
What input system should I use for my More Features Mod when "input.keys" is removed entirely?
I can't create new ones as I want to edit the main files little to not at all (plus, it says "DO NOT EDIT"), and I can't make an input map for every vehicle as it is very inefficient, and won't work for modded vehicles.
It would be nice to add an input_actions file without using a vehicle. Maybe in "vehicles/common" so it...
Inputmap Idea
What input system should I use for my More Features Mod when "input.keys" is removed entirely?
I can't create new ones as I want to edit the main files little to not at all (plus, it says "DO NOT EDIT"), and I can't make an input map for every vehicle as it is very inefficient, and won't work for modded vehicles.
It would be nice to add an input_actions file without using a vehicle. Maybe in "vehicles/common" so it...
Inputmap Idea