Hello everybody! I know I have posted a lot of my content here before, but I have never actually made a thread for my content.
In this thread, I will post my latest videos and my best videos.
Feel free to post your own videos as well! Also, constructive criticism is always appreciated to help me (or other montage makers) make better videos. Please don't start any fights in the comments. If you really don't like someone's video, and you don't have and decent feedback to give, don't say...
My YouTube Channel HockeySnipe16!
In this thread, I will post my latest videos and my best videos.
Feel free to post your own videos as well! Also, constructive criticism is always appreciated to help me (or other montage makers) make better videos. Please don't start any fights in the comments. If you really don't like someone's video, and you don't have and decent feedback to give, don't say...
My YouTube Channel HockeySnipe16!