Darn I should've searched first.. Found the problem..
Solution: Image Dimensions Have To Be A Power Of 2. (Found Here)
I put the license plate dds files in the correct location (At least I think) and I get the following error:
Location: Documents\BeamNG.drive\mods\unpacked\licenseplate.zip\vehicles\common\<Files>
(Was Packed, But Unpacked For Debugging)...
[SOLVED] License Plate Problem
Solution: Image Dimensions Have To Be A Power Of 2. (Found Here)
I put the license plate dds files in the correct location (At least I think) and I get the following error:
Location: Documents\BeamNG.drive\mods\unpacked\licenseplate.zip\vehicles\common\<Files>
(Was Packed, But Unpacked For Debugging)...
[SOLVED] License Plate Problem