Simple Skin Tutorial
Hi ! We have a new Simple Skin tutorial on our wiki :
View ArticleMore Features Mod 7.54 - | Engine Ignition | Engine...
This mod is semi unstable due to the fact that it modifies one core game file, main.lua, and when the game gets an update, this mod could break it. Uninstall the mod if you don't new version features...
View ArticleVW Golf Mk7
Welcome to my first Thread/Mod. After working on this model for several weeks, I think its time for a thread of its own. This is the first vehicle I have modeled so please bear with me as I develop my...
View ArticleRandom Game Screenshot/Video Thread
Figured we might as well have one, now having a section for other games, i suppose ill start(you can do small or big pictures, does not matter really, although i imagine people with slow internet would...
View Article0.5.5.0 Discussion/Feedback/Bugs-Reporting Thread - READ #1 POST!
This thread is meant to collect feedback for version We would love to hear your feedback Thermal Simulation Feedback thread here:...
View ArticleImproved vehicle customization
I would love to see a wide variety of custom body kits, spoilers,wheels and other things to truly make the custom variants of cars unique. A great example of vehicle customization is NFS Underground 2,...
View ArticleSuggestion: Different Automatic Shifting Layouts
I have a suggestion regarding the automatic transmission layout currently used in BeamNG (as of 5.5.0) Perhaps it would be possible to create an LUA or some other scripting function which would permit...
View ArticleWhat machines do the devs use?
Do the developers all have the same computers in the BeamNG office building or do they use their personal computers, if so can someone please tell me their specs?
View ArticleWhere are from
I think BeamNG from Germany, 'cause at 0.5.5 update have a skin like this picture and ther is "Polizei" and that is German.
View ArticleUploading to the 'Mods' page and Guidelines
GUIDELINES FOR UPLOADING A MOD: (Your mod may not be approved else) You must be the author of the mod. Do not take other people mod and upload them. The mod MUST work without the need of extracting the...
View ArticleETK 800 series GV configs V1.3
[V1.0] This is a small pack with 3 configs, the 856gVI, 856gVIs, and 856gVISNF View attachment 128660 View attachment 128661 View attachment 128662 There is a performance model (AMG package) 856gVISNF...
View ArticleBeamNG VarietyMod
I'll use this thread as my progression thread too. You'll find hints , previews for updates/cars , and more here! BeamNG VarietyMod BeamNG VarietyMod The VarietyMod provides a set of car configurations...
View Article0.5.5.0 Glitch? (cant find the bug thread)
The suspension on the new gavril d series is weird! i dont know if this is a bug or just me! (OOPS sorry didnt mean too post 3 screenshots!)
View ArticleA mini-van
Hey, not everything needs to be fun. So lets get a lame, top-heavy, and definitely not slow mini-van! But seriously, this might be the type of car BeamNg needs soon. We already have an S.U.V., a 1970s...
View ArticleI have started to enjoy biting myself on my arms! I have autism.
I want to be as much like my lower functioning autistic friend Katelyn as possible so I have found out that I really like to bitee myself on my arms and the back of my hands. I was trying to decide if...
View ArticleThe game could use a plane
Yes I know there are mods that add planes to the game, but I think BeamNG could use a plane by it self. A plane made by BeamNG could be pretty cool to compare others. Having it's own systems and...
View ArticleUnable to get 30 fps
Help! I cant get to 30 fps even with a gtx 750ti, a quad core processor, and 32 gb of ram
View ArticleTHE DERBY AI
hi im offroadbacon and i want to ask if the creators could add in this feature again it was one of the best features in early beamng drive but ever since they took it away it has not been the same (yes...
View Articleway to play the very early versions of beamng/maps used in dev videos
1. so i was just wondering if theres a way to play the earliest version of beamng to compare the physics from then to now. 2. also was just wondering what are the maps used in some videos for cars like...
View ArticleDownloading without using steam
I bought the game before it went onto Steam and I have in in Steam on my computer at home. My question is that I want to play the game on my work computer but I cannot use steam because of my work's...
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