Prettiest cars ever
We have an ugliest cars thread, why not have a prettiest cars thread! Be positive! I'll start. Lancia Flaminia Sport Zagato (imported from here) Maserati 3500 GT (parked next to some stupid red Hyundai...
View ArticleJRI with no veggies! (FPS friendly) has made exceptionally nice environments for its default maps, however a lot of people (including myself) struggle with frame rates on these maps since the trees are quite resource hungry...
View ArticleOxnitron Electronics
Oxnitron submitted a new resource: Oxnitron Electronics - Adds ESC and TCS to vehicles for better control and easier handling. Never used the bolide because you flew into the bushes every corner? Not...
View ArticleTranslate the phrase above you
Hello ! The but of this thread is to try to translate phrase above you ! HOW TO PLAY​-Try to Translate the phrase above you, and try to guess the language in what the message is in. -After you can put...
View ArticleTerrain Testing Map
alexreiter submitted a new resource: Terrain Testing Map - 9 Different terrains forextreme offroad testing This map lets you try out 9 different terrains you might commonly encounter including: Ice Mud...
View ArticlePassing Gear
Passing gear is on automatics, for when you're cruising on highway. If you go over 95% Throttle (I think), The transmission will downshift 1-2 gears for better acceleration to overtake or speed up.
View Article0.5.6.1 Discussion/Feedback/Bugs-Reporting Thread - READ #1 POST!
If you have issues, use 'SAFE MODE' before reporting! (Safe mode will disable your mods, this will help to prevent false reports - See how at the end of this post) This thread is meant to collect...
View ArticleGeneral discussion
Are you bored. Well I am... This exactly what the title implies. Just a chat thread. Rules: No offensive language. No quoting long posts. Simple. So whoever is the first to stumble upon this thread...
View ArticleWeekly Screenshot Contest #3 (Running)
Welcome to the new and "improved" WSC ! Small chnages to the rules have been made so please read carefully View attachment 145755 THE (almighty) RULES TOPIC: Epic Crash 1. Editing is allowed this...
View ArticleOrbit camera is really annoying
I'm sick of the orbit camera flip flopping all the time when moving around slow, it's never predictable when in the air either. It needs to be replaced by a world of tanks style camera that stays put...
View ArticleYour ATV (With Pics)
2016 Polaris Ace Tropical Blue No Pic Because I Am In Spanish But Later On This Week Once I AM At My House And I Have Time To Ride
View ArticleParking sensors
I think that a good idea for the game is to add parking sensors in the newer cars. For example, when you are in reverse gear, a beep alerts of nearby obstacles like cars do now a days. I also noticed...
View ArticleWhat vehicle do you want in game ?
Hey, so first of all this is no suggestion thread, I just want to say some of the 3D models liing around on my hard drive so I'd like to hear some opinions which car I should create next. (poorly I...
View ArticleDo you think the SBR4 would be a successful car in real life?
Well, the title says it all. I think the SBR4 would be a success, as it is very fast, yet quite cheap. It would gain many postitive reviews, which would help sales. Sorta like the Focus RS. And what do...
View ArticleWhat is you'r weirdest experience with a taxi?
Mine is when I got into a taxi and the driver was an old man and he was like "Want some gum?" He said it with the creepiest smile and tone of voice I ever heard.
View ArticleToyota Starlet / Glanza V EP91 (1996 - 1999)
Hello there, a few months ago I bought a Toyota Starlet EP91 an i really love this car. And because of this reason, I want to have one in this awsome car-game But as I looked around in this forum, I...
View ArticleVW Golf Mk7
Welcome to my first Thread/Mod. After working on this model for several weeks, I think its time for a thread of its own. This is the first vehicle I have modeled so please bear with me as I develop my...
View Article2016 Touox Trendsetter (Small City Car, scratch made)
Touox is my fictional lineup of slightly budget cars that are akin to Dacia etc but are American. Kinda cheap to make, stylish and easy to drive. Some of my smoothing groups are a little awkward, but...
View ArticleHovercars!
View attachment 134600 Leave your design suggestions down below, everything is possible! Currently existing suggestions: wheel-covering parts having vents(@Acrain7) flieght gauges... Hovercars!
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