Hondune HDB Buggy (Beta 2 released)
Update: Beta Released! Get the download and see new updated screenshots ect on this post: http://www.beamng.com/threads/hondune-hdb-buggy.23473/page-6#post-411520 Beta 2 released here:...
View ArticleWalking dead!
One night you wake up to a zombie banging on your door...next thing you know, you see the news that a doctor found a cure for Cancer but he developed the pill wrong, so they became zombies. Team up,...
View ArticlePolice RP
Really, this is for telling us what happened or what is happening on patrol, in the labs, on secret missions, etc
View ArticleETK SX(R)
Hello, I've made enough progress I think to post a WIP mod. So here it is! For now, this is a contribution only thread. Please post only contributions to the mod or discussion. That means no "OMG THIS...
View Articleold version
how did the first version of the game look like can i have it i like to play some realy old versions
View ArticleBruckell LeGran... More info!
I am quite interested in the Bruckell LeGran, and I know that it's not in game yet ( I think ) but I would like some more info than on the wiki and on gabester's thread. Thankyou.
View ArticleFarming pack - v1.0
One day I was thinking about having a tractor in beamng, so I took files from fs15 (because I can´t model very well) and created this. It took few months and tractor is nearly finished, and also with...
View ArticleFFB not working on version
I have just installed the games and have a go at configuring the FFB for my Leo Bodnar Steering System 2. I'm struggling to set this up. Almost no FFB at all regardless of the configuration I'm using....
View ArticleExtended Van, sport, classic, Heavy Duty, Mobile Billboard & trailer add-on
Extended, windowed Van, Classic, Sport, Heavy Duty, Mobile Billboard parts. Made by AR162b & SergentFido for BeamNG.Drive Version 0.4.0 11-08-2016 Look in the overview page for the contents of this...
View ArticleTerrorists
so, we have received word that a terrorist group, NodeKillers, is growing and could invade the BPDOA. We need to stop them
View ArticleGamescom
Will BeamNG.drive be at the Gamescom this year or in the future? I'd like to visit it in the next years and BeamNG will be an excellent addition for me.
View ArticleIs BeamNG.Drive CPU intensive, GPU, or a mixture of both?
/title I've been looking for parts to build a gaming pc and after a while, I was wondering if BeamNG is more intensive on the CPU, the GPU, or does it rely on both equally? Thanks!
View ArticleForza Horizon 3 (E3 2016)
I've been hyping about this for quite some time now, and today FH3 was finally introduced to the public! I am stunned by the graphics quality and their claim to have more cars than the last FH. I am...
View ArticleCar gets sucked in model when driving on it
Dear all, I started working on making Dutch roundabouts. I have currently two problems: 1) Textures are missing/incorrect; 2) When I put the object settings on Collision, the car drives through the...
View Articlebeamng ram leaking
today i was playing beamng and i closed the game via the cros instead of the ingame menu and now my pc is stuk using 7.9 gb ram ( i have 8 gb) and i know a restart fixes it but iam uploading a yt vid...
View ArticleBeamNG Interiors Mod
Hello one and all! I have decided to do something with small ammount of interior options in BeamNG and start making mod changing that. I am introducing to you the BeamNG Interiors Mod, it's heavy wip...
View ArticleWhich is your favorite car in the Beamng Drive?
Which is your favorite car in the Beamng Drive? Im Ibishu Pessima me.
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