General discussion
Are you bored. Well I am... This exactly what the title implies. Just a chat thread. Rules: No offensive language. No quoting long posts. Simple. So whoever is the first to stumble upon this thread...
View Article0.6.1.0 Discussion/Feedback/Bugs-Reporting Thread - READ #1 POST!
If you have issues, use 'SAFE MODE' before reporting! (Safe mode will disable your mods, this will help to prevent false reports - See how at the end of this post) This thread is meant to collect...
View ArticleWhat did you do to your vehicle today?
Continuation from the thread on the RoR forum. Today I ordered some parts for my Audi: New radiator since my current one is bad and leaking. New thermostat and gasket, current one makes the engine only...
View ArticleRate the song above you!
You know the drill, rate the song above with 1 to 10. I start.
View ArticleBaja Configuration Pack
LucasBlueEyes submitted a new resource: Baja Configuration Pack - This is BAJA ! Hey ! This Baja configuration pack add "Baja Tuned" Cars to the game ! This is in Alpha ! Stay Connected !Click to...
View Articleupdate.
hello i am looking to update beam ng but when i click the updater it loads then says that it cannot complete the task . Help!
View ArticleDavithton
JonnyTaunton submitted a new resource: Davithton - A new map with fast roads for you to enjoy Hello again... Hi anonymous underlined text! I hear your working on a new map, is this true? Yes, I can...
View ArticlePixel Car Racer creations.
Show off your creations from Pixel Car Racer. It's a free mobile app in beta where you can (currently) drag race, cruise and build a car. It's a game, which is why I created the thread in the "Other...
View ArticleFPS Drops
Hey! Since last thursday, I've noticed an issue: After about 4-5 minutes playing beamng, sometimes (Not always) my FPS fall severously. For example, I'm playing gridmap with 40 FPS, and I don't know...
View ArticleThe Skiing Stig
This a mod of the stig which was 3D modeled by B25-Mitch and its a pretty straight forward mod. Controls are : T for thrusting forward, G for braking ,and F and H for steering left and right. using the...
View ArticleDevelopment Screens (Each post contains a picture OR contributing post.)
Alright most of you guys know the drill. RULES: Pictures are allowed for things you've made from scratch and not in game yet. Each post must contain a picture OR contributing post. Anything that I may...
View ArticleGeneral Car Discussion
Its been bugging me for a while that there are no threads where you can just talk about car related stuff, we have many car threads but those are just limited to 1 basic topic so yeah. I saw this. You...
View ArticleSpaceballs the Username here..
So this is my original account. Somehow the login details were saved on my school laptop that I haven't accessed in months. You can see that I am one of the original testers
*Moved this thread to Automotive* i really like front end swaps but they are very rare in my country so has anyone done a front end swap or has seen any please share, i'll start by posting this. A...
View ArticleMap Editor
I expirence very little presicion in map editior. its like i lift up a object and it goes up all the way
View ArticleETK SX(R)
Hello, I've made enough progress I think to post a WIP mod. So here it is! For now, this is a contribution only thread. Please post only contributions to the mod or discussion. That means no "OMG THIS...
View ArticleRG Mini Series
I am making this for fun because I like small vehicles. Here is a fun fact, the RG Sandstorm (my first mod) is originally gonna be small then everyone kept saying "make the wheelbase longer" and then...
View ArticleCRD Monster Truck
I decided I would do some small modifications to this because I've seen some people show interest in it. The body is not breakable because I don't have the old jbeam files for it. The tires don't break...
View ArticleBrentstrom
JonnyTaunton submitted a new resource: Brentstrom - A new map for seriously testing cars at high speed driving or just to cruse and enjoy the view. What is this map? This is a early build of a map I'm...
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