Loading the flat bed
it may have been asked but I can't find it so turning to you guys for a little help. I was wondering if there was a way to put another vehicle on the flat beds wither it be the truck or the small van,...
View Articleall of a sudden the game wont load the truck when i enter a level
Hello when i load a level i see this in the console and it just stays in a locked third person even if i try and spawn a car please help
View ArticleSuggestion : 4WD covet, Shuttle verison
I was thinking about the AWD covet which is slightly lifted for better ground clearance, it has AWD and five door or optional three door. The shuttle version should have a basic 1.5L with five doors...
View Article2010+ Luxury Sedan?
I think gabester or someone should make a modern luxury car, like the new Mercedes S550. It's be really nice. Fun to drive and luxurious and most importantly, expensive.
View ArticleWhy do people compare BeamNG to GTA5?
It seems to make about as much since as comparing apples and fighter jets, but people still compare them and I've even heard people say that beamNG is just like GTA... it makes no since at all.
View ArticleWeight Transfer in BeamNG
How accurately does BeamNG currently model weight transfer? I took the Bolide out for a spin on Gridmap. To my surprise, when I lifted off the gas and tried to steer, instead of getting the expected...
View ArticleWrong, Misplaced Burnside manual gear lever
I notice something odd on the Burnside special When i spawn in the regular V8 with manual I notice it spawns the car with the automatic column gear lever but its suppose spawn it with the manual gear...
View ArticleVehicle Suggestion: NA Miata!
Fun little RWD. Have four engine types: 1.6L, 1.8L, I6, V8 Engine Tuning: Single Turbo Stage 1&2 What do you guys think?
View ArticleGeneral discussion
Are you bored. Well I am... This exactly what the title implies. Just a chat thread. Rules: No offensive language. No quoting long posts. Simple. So whoever is the first to stumble upon this thread...
View ArticleAnyone else think this forum is turning to S***
I know it sounds bad, but the influx of new users that just S***post all the time pisses me off. I know there is an age limit, but there needs to be a maturity limit. I joined this forum when I was 14,...
View ArticleD-Series "wheelie monster" for v0.5
Firstly, I was almost entirely inspired by ErikSW's old Gavril Wheeliepickup 5200 hp, recently brought back into the limelight (albeit without attribution) by krod1988. Those mods are based on a very...
View ArticleRequesting help creating a vehicle using a finished model
So, like the title says I'm trying to create a vehicle. Yes, it's a ripped model and I do feel as bad as I should, but I finally saw a chance of my dream car in the game and I just had to take it. I...
View ArticleWishes
Hello moders, could you please do a 6x6 d15-roamer that would have the option to higher the suspension like 6 times more than normal and the suspension should be very soft (to be very good on bumps,...
View ArticleCommunity Screenshots - Use 'Upload a file' button!
To assure a smooth browsing of the thread for everybody, use the forum attachment system. View attachment 79907 Do not use image URLS, or your post may be removed. I thought we may as well have one...
View ArticleGavril D15
The Gavril D15 is a robust full-size pickup truck. This is a 4WD short bed regular cab model, powered by a 233 cubic inch I6 with a 4-speed column-shifted automatic transmission. It weighs roughly 4400...
View ArticleHonda HSV-010
Well, I figured it's about time I contributed something to BeamNG. I just started modeling so bear with me, it's not going to be the prettiest. I don't have the intent on making a perfect example, but...
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