help me pls i cant chose
i have here ( again) my 8510p laptop yea.. it came with 32 bit and 3 gb ram i installed 4 gb is it worh upgrading to 64 bit or stay on 32 bc i see better fps in some games in 64 bit but better fps in...
View ArticleGeneral computer talk/advice
This is a place to ask hardware questions (like why your GeForce 2 gets poor FPS), get answers, and talk about all kinds of PC stuff. Rules: 1. Only PC-related posts. 2. No flaming. It's fine to state...
View ArticleBELAZ 75710
Coming soon BELAZ 75710 can load 450 t in BeamNG too.БЕЛАЗ-75710_ENGLISH.pdf credits: 3d model-by me jbeam-by me lua-BeamNG 4ws steering-BeamNG
View ArticleGavril T-series addon
Race Parts, Hay, Triple, 40' & 20' Containers (Turnpike Double, Rocky Mountain Double), Stinger steered log trailers, car lift add-on Made by AR162b for BeamNG.Drive Version 0.2.1 08-12-2015 Tested...
View ArticleRealistic engine sound mod
Realistic engine sound mod ________________________________________________________________ I´m makeing a mod to replace the generic sound that all cars have, this makes the game a lot more realistic....
View ArticleSuggestion: Ibishu Covet Mk.II
Sorry for multiple threads, but i'd also be very keen to see a newer small hatchback car, possibly a successor to the Mk.I Covet. Something like this? (i used a '95 Civic as an example) And possibly...
View ArticleWeirdest games ever.
I can only remember only one right now but you can what weird games you ever had or knew. And here it is the name of my weird game: Turbo Trucks. Dont even ask.
View ArticleYour most favorite game, ever.
What is your best most favorite game of all time. (im guessing BeamNG will crop up a lot!) Fpr me it is Battlefield Bad Company 2
View ArticleLogitech G920 Pedal Issue
When I press the gas pedal, the car maxes at like 5 MPH, any suggestions?
View ArticleMissing Maps
Hey, so an few months ago, my computer went berserk out and grid map got corrupted. Updates haven't fixed this, and grid map was my favorite map. So if anybody could upload grid map here, the would be...
View ArticleHelp!
How do you download mods? I had a free hacked version of 0.3, but i cut my vehicles folder when i deleted the hacked version to download the Steam one. When i had that one installed, i tried putting it...
View Articlewhat do you think the beam cars are based off of?
seems easy enough, list the cars that come with beam and what you think they were modeled off of. not too difficult (please dont argue) ibishu 200bx: honda 200sx gavril grand marshal: ford crown...
View ArticleHow t oset up G27 with beam ng
So I have the steam version of beam ng and I cant get my G27 to work I don't know how to set it up Help me please
View ArticleMt.Shell
(imported from here) Official Trailer: Give it a look while it downloads Description: Originally made for Rigs of Rods, then ported into BeamNG with a huge twist. Never been so good.... Mt.Shell
View ArticleRandom Game Screenshot/Video Thread
Figured we might as well have one, now having a section for other games, i suppose ill start(you can do small or big pictures, does not matter really, although i imagine people with slow internet would...
View ArticleBeamng.RolePlay
someone (cough cough everyone on the community screenshots cough) said that we should make a roleplay thread instead of cluttering up the community screenshots, so here it is! the Beamng Roleplay...
View ArticleRun every game but Beam.NG maxed out (settings wise).
Beam.NG is the only game I am having trouble with on my new build. I run games like GTA 5, World Of Warships, ect like butter on max settings, yet with this game I only get 11 fps?? Of course I need to...
View Article1967 - Fiat 500 - NEED JBEAM HELP
Hi, this is my project: 3D model by me 3D model rewieving and improving by AdR jbeam structure by AdR and Hati currently we need an expert in jbeam structure. if you want help in this project, please...
View ArticleWeird facts about European car things.
1.In Finland American wagons are counted as trucks or vans because of their weight. 2.In Finland all rare cars like Mitsubishi Lancers,Nissan Skylines and Dodge Challengers cost about 500 000-850 000€.
View ArticleGame refuses to stay in fullscreen mode?
Anyone ever had this problem before? The best alternative I can get is windowed borderless and I have a sneeking suspicion that I am losing FPS or not getting the best resolution because of it. When Im...
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