Can't create timer
Does anyone know how to create a timer in Lua? I've been following this guide, but I keep being told that "start" is a nil value.
View ArticleBolide Racecar + Retro Speed Racetrack Combo
(imported from here) [MEDIA=youtube][/MEDIA] Class A Class C Class B to be made (imported from here)... Bolide Racecar + Retro Speed Racetrack Combo
View ArticleDatsun 510
We are back with the Datsun 510! It's been a while since the last update Anyway, straight to business! This is a mod made by multiple people from the forum including GameNoobTV, CryDev and...
View Article0.4.3.x Current bugs and help thread []
This thread is meant to collect feedback for version 0.4.3.x We would love to hear your feedback All the fixes in the update can be found here:...
View ArticleMachining & CAD/CAM Software
Anyone here use any Cad or Cam software? I'm sure some of the programs used to create models for this game could be considered cad but just curious if anyone out there in Beam land is either into...
View ArticleKarin Futo [GTA IV]
Karin Futo [GTA IV] To do (Red - not done, Orange - in progress, Green - done): Main JBeam Doors, Bumpers, Hood, Trunk JBeam Materials, Textures Lights... Karin Futo [GTA IV]
View Articlegame is lagging, low fps
Hello! When im playing the game , i get low fps, around 20 FPS when 1 car running. What can the problem be, i have all options on the lowest and turned off the effects, i play with 1440x900 . Specs:...
View ArticleHi !!
I'm back (Well, obviously no one care :v) I see a lot of changes in BeamNG, the forum, the update and blah.. blah.. I want to ask a question, why my scenarios are disappear ? I already reinstall the...
View Articlevehicle modifications
how do i take part of a car or truck and mode them such as taking the front wheel of the t series and putting it on the d15
View ArticleGeneral Car Discussion
Its been bugging me for a while that there are no threads where you can just talk about car related stuff, we have many car threads but those are just limited to 1 basic topic so yeah. I saw this. You...
View ArticleGavril T-series Engine Sound Mod
Introduction: This is an engine sound mod I made for the Gavril T-series and i think it sounds awesome! Let me know what you think about this mod in the comments. You can check out the video below to...
View Articlevicious Drifts & Crashes
What's up everyone, really enjoying some recently added mods! Sunburst AWD Drifting is amazing!
View ArticleFoothill Mines V4 Development Thread
Time for a fresh thread, I think. NOTE; If you are looking for a release of this map, This version will not be out for some time. HOWEVER, The current release is still up at the original thread;...
View Article[Tutorial] Making a simple distant terrain for your map
-Please mention anything that looks wrong.- What this tutorial shows you how to do- -Create the basic stuff in World Machine- -UV it in Blender- -Get the distant terrain in game with textures-...
View ArticleTrynelgren v2.4 - 11/14/2015 - with mediafire link on first post
For v2.4 Info View attachment 82966 V2.4 includes a number of large improvements to the tunnel. Download Unfortunately, this file is currently too big for the Beamng forum. Link:... Trynelgren v2.4 -...
View ArticleCar_Killer's Graphic Enchancer - Pre-Release v0.9
I present to you a modification for enchance graphics. View attachment 83186 View attachment 83188 View attachment 83187 Mod based on ReShade Master Effect. Includes: -HDR -TONEMAP -VIBRANCE...
View ArticleRandom Game Screenshot/Video Thread
Figured we might as well have one, now having a section for other games, i suppose ill start(you can do small or big pictures, does not matter really, although i imagine people with slow internet would...
View ArticleWhat did you do to your vehicle today?
Continuation from the thread on the RoR forum. Today I ordered some parts for my Audi: New radiator since my current one is bad and leaking. New thermostat and gasket, current one makes the engine only...
View ArticleOld Apps Gone
They were really useful, 0-60 times and the torque curves would be nice to be added again, if anyone has them please attach them in a post on this thread, please bring them back
View ArticlePrettiest cars ever
We have an ugliest cars thread, why not have a prettiest cars thread! Be positive! I'll start. Lancia Flaminia Sport Zagato (imported from here) Maserati 3500 GT (parked next to some stupid red Hyundai...
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