I've made a scenario using mostly text editors and put it in the SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\BeamNG.drive\content\levels\Utah.zip\levels\Utah\scenarios
directory and leaving the .prefab file outside of that folder, as it should be. The name of the two cars are in the prefab with co-ordinates and everything but when I go to load up the scenario in-game Utah loads up and I am not seeing my cars anywhere but I can pan the camera around like I would in the world editor. I tabbed into World...
Problem making a scenario load up the cars
directory and leaving the .prefab file outside of that folder, as it should be. The name of the two cars are in the prefab with co-ordinates and everything but when I go to load up the scenario in-game Utah loads up and I am not seeing my cars anywhere but I can pan the camera around like I would in the world editor. I tabbed into World...
Problem making a scenario load up the cars