As most of you know, many people have problems with the handling of some cars *cough* bolide *cough* ^^
So what I wanted to do is adding electronic stability and traction control to vehicles to make driving them a lot easier. (I couldn't find anything in the wiki about esc and tcs)
My first try now is on the covet ("hatch") and here's what i did:
-Took "sunburst_esc" from the "sunburst" folder and copied it into the "hatch" folder
-Renamed it "hatch_esc" and also changed everything...
Adding ESC and TCS to vehicles
As most of you know, many people have problems with the handling of some cars *cough* bolide *cough* ^^
So what I wanted to do is adding electronic stability and traction control to vehicles to make driving them a lot easier. (I couldn't find anything in the wiki about esc and tcs)
My first try now is on the covet ("hatch") and here's what i did:
-Took "sunburst_esc" from the "sunburst" folder and copied it into the "hatch" folder
-Renamed it "hatch_esc" and also changed everything...
Adding ESC and TCS to vehicles