Steam Controller?
well i saw it and was thinking of buying it but saw IGNs negative review, has anyone got this controller, should i buy it? and does it work with beamng?
View ArticleAnybody buying American Truck Simulator?
I certainly am, either on the 3rd or during the Summer sale, if there is one.
View ArticleLeast played maps and least used cars
What is your least played map? Mine is the derby one. Ive never used it. What is your least used car? The burnside special
View ArticleCommunity Screenshots - Each post an image of
I thought we may as well have one thread for all your random screenshots instead of junking up the forum with a bunch of threads about it.
View Articleanyone British here (hello)
just wandering, i made this thread for those who are brittish so that we can talk about the referrendum which happend last week. i think tat borris johnson is out of his mind about leaving the eu, and...
View ArticleExplosive Propane Tank
B25Mitch submitted a new resource: Explosive Propane Tank - Transport with care Updated propane tank mod to work with the new fire visuals. Uses a precompressed jbeam structure to blow things up. May...
View ArticleRealistic looking photos
I thought i may share some screenshots edited with photoshop (I am not professional artist, so if you can do better, don´t judge me and rather tell me how to improve myself) I am going to post more as...
View ArticleGeneral computer talk/advice
This is a place to ask hardware questions (like why your GeForce 2 gets poor FPS), get answers, and talk about all kinds of PC stuff. Rules: 1. Only PC-related posts. 2. No flaming. It's fine to state...
View ArticleDrive shaft problems
I've tried searching, and either I can't find the right syntax, or when I do, I'm too tired to figure things out, but I'm having drive shaft issues with my semi... Looking for info on how to stop it...
*Moved this thread to Automotive* i really like front end swaps but they are very rare in my country so has anyone done a front end swap or has seen any please share, i'll start by posting this. A...
View ArticleSomething is still on the horizon ... Quelque chose est toujours à...
Voici une traduction approximative en Français de l’article sur le Devblog, désolé pour les fautes Bonjour les gens , Premièrement : Désolé pour le long délais -Ce poste à pris longtemps à se faire. On...
View ArticleT-54 Tank
Hello everyone, i have been wanting to have a tank in BeamNG for a while now. I play world of tanks and i thought i could get some tank models and textures from the game. The file attached below has...
View ArticleJRI with no veggies! (FPS friendly) has made exceptionally nice environments for its default maps, however a lot of people (including myself) struggle with frame rates on these maps since the trees are quite resource hungry...
View ArticleGeneral Car Discussion
Its been bugging me for a while that there are no threads where you can just talk about car related stuff, we have many car threads but those are just limited to 1 basic topic so yeah. I saw this. You...
View ArticleImporting .dae files from sketchup?
I have been working on some 3d models in sketchup and wondered if anyone knew what needed to be done to bring them into the right files to make a mod. Specifically I have modeled a DOHC V8 for the ETK...
View ArticleHow do you place decals on top of other decals in beamng?
hi I am trying to place two decals in the same spot. However every time I try the second decal won't place. How would I fix this Thanks
View ArticlePine hills
-Background- If you don't know I have been "Attempting" to make maps for a while, none have properly been released or had a respectable amount of quality but with a much greater understanding of the...
View ArticleAdding ESC and TCS to vehicles
Hello! As most of you know, many people have problems with the handling of some cars *cough* bolide *cough* ^^ So what I wanted to do is adding electronic stability and traction control to vehicles to...
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