java.. lua.. jbeam... can we also add C++ and Ruby?
i'm sure there are reasons for this, and it must have been discussed before, but why is the game developed in such a hodge-podge manner? im not trying to be disrespectful of the developers, but I'm...
View ArticleGavril Roamer Sport ALPHA
This mod is currently being updated to match the specs of current BeamNG vehicles ( There is no longer a roadmap for this mod; updates and suggestions are now solely community-dependent.
View ArticleDoes Anybody Else Play Simpleplanes?
Hello everyone! I was wondering, does anyone else play the game Simpleplanes? I find it to be really fun and creative, and it also has one of the best communities I've ever seen in a game. People are...
View ArticleOak Suburbs
This may be the last version I release of this terrain, but I also planned for this to be the first release outside of my private beta group. Enjoy it! It's a small map (by driveable area) with a...
View ArticleSpeirs' Pimp Van 1.0
SPEIRS' PIMP VAN cause why not fam heres pics View attachment 122872 View attachment 122873 View attachment 122874 View attachment 122875 View attachment 122876 View attachment 122877
View ArticleETK 800 sedan
Updated pics: View attachment 121763 View attachment 121764 View attachment 121765 View attachment 121776
View Articless oceanos
A yo I just decided to make a bigger ship than the Pembroke. Sorry you are all wanting my battleship and uboat but my pc decided to melt down on me. So in order to make it up I'm working on an all new...
View ArticleExclusion Zone
I am currently developing the pre-existing map "Rally Forest" by dpitkin into an abandoned nuclear city that strongly reflects qualities (like architecture) of the Ukrainian city of Chernobyl and...
View Article"Cool" cars you hate
Exactly what it says on the tin - this thread is about cars that are generally considered "cool" that you either hate or hate the hype behind. Topping the list for me is the BMW E39 5-series. It does...
View Articleimproved 1980-1986 ford bronco HELP NEEDED
I have wanted to get into the modding community for a wile now and I finally found something to help me learn how to jbeam. This 1980 ford bronco is very detailed and up to date for a russian mod and...
View ArticleMobile Forum Glitch?
When I go to mod, I get the install button on a phone? Is that supposed to be there?
View ArticleMultiple Live Camera Feeds From Same Car to different monitors for simulator
I'm building a racing simulator out of a 4 seat full car shell with projectors and well... It would be So VERY awesome if there was a way to get the camera Feeds from Every direction looking out or at...
View ArticleExhaust Overheat Smoke
Hi, I need please to find the file containing the EXHAUST smoke (not the hood one) that comes out when the car overheats. Thanks.
View ArticleDevelopment Screens (Each post contains a picture OR contributing post.)
Alright most of you guys know the drill. RULES: Pictures are allowed for things you've made from scratch and not in game yet. Each post must contain a picture OR contributing post. Anything that I may...
View ArticleETK Emergency Brake Question
How come after a severe enough collision, the ETK's emergency brake stops working? The area of the collision has no effect on whether or not this happens, it just has to be a rough crash.
View Article[Tutorial] Vehicle performance and components modification (Simple)
Hello, The purpose of this tutorial will be showing you how to make your vehicle of choice faster, handle better, or add something that was not there to begin with (like a front or rear differential)....
View ArticleModding engine files
I've been looking everywhere to try and figure out how to mod engines, but I can't find the engine files, any tips or locations I could find the files?
View ArticleWhat graphics card should i have?
My BeamNG lags some times and I know its because of my graphics card, ( I have a Intel(R) G41 Express Chipset. I want to get another graphics card but I don't know what to get. And recommendations?
View ArticleNeed For Speed Prostreet
Does anybody play this? It's a great NFS game from 2007 that is actually on racetracks and has dozens of nicely detailed and highly customizable cars. Also, I would like to set up my Thrustmaster...
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