Gavril D-Bird/Roamer
chris_lucas submitted a new resource: Gavril D-Bird/Roamer - A Gavril D-15 and Roamer with three wheels. Spoiler: Images This car won't go...Click to expand... Gavril D-Bird/Roamer
View ArticlePerformance Times Video Rank Thread
I know this sounds more like it belongs in ideas, but it would be nothing more than an idea for a thread. I haven't seen a thread that's dedicated to players attempting the fastest 0-60/0-100/0-160...
View Article1980's Monte Carlo
Hey Guys I Am Just Starting And Wanted To Know If A Monte Carlo Would Be Liked As A New Mod? I Use Mods All The Time And Thought It Was Time To Start Making My Own, So Here I Am. I Was Wondering If...
View ArticleGeneral computer talk/advice
This is a place to ask hardware questions (like why your GeForce 2 gets poor FPS), get answers, and talk about all kinds of PC stuff. Rules: 1. Only PC-related posts. 2. No flaming. It's fine to state...
View ArticlePC build help. (I know many people have asked) There's the build I made in 20 minutes. I am wondering how long this build will last with medium to high setting @60 fps in 1080p 2 years, x years? I need someone to...
View ArticleGloster Meteor Mk. III
Dummiesman submitted a new resource: Gloster Meteor - double engined fighter jet DO NOT REUPLOAD!! I DO NOT GRANT PERMISSIONS TO ANY THIRD PARTY SITES TO HOST PARTS OF, OR THE ENTIRITY OF THIS MOD....
View ArticleGeneral Car Discussion
Its been bugging me for a while that there are no threads where you can just talk about car related stuff, we have many car threads but those are just limited to 1 basic topic so yeah. I saw this. You...
View ArticleGavril D-Bird Nissan Leaf Engine Conversion
CoolMan submitted a new resource: Gavril D-Bird Nissan Leaf Engine Conversion - What happens, when you take the speed and agility of a Nissan Leaf, and the enginuity of a D-Bird? It's a mod, of a mod....
View ArticleVice City Police Skin for the Grand Marshal
Nathaniel Hudac submitted a new resource: Vice City Police Skin for the Grand Marshal - GTA Vice City Police Skin for the Grand Marshal This is a GTA Vice City Police Skin for the Grand Marshal...
View ArticleHigh power car pack (w/ Scenarios!)
Spaceballs the Username submitted a new resource: High power car pack - A pack of cars that contain high performance parts. Some realistic, some not so much :) Contains: SBR4 5.7L V8 Engine 2 stages of...
View ArticleScreenshots!
So I figured it might be cool to post a random screenshot or two every couple of days. Sometimes we might show what we're working on. View attachment 333
View ArticleGavril D-Bird Nissan Leaf Engine Conversion
It's a mod, of a mod. Modception This didn't take that long to make, and here I was thinking it would take days to do this, but here it is. You do indeed need the Gavril D-Bird Mod for this to work to...
View ArticleBeamNG Severe Playability Issues
I took a 3-month hiatus from BeamNG drive. Today, I tried to play again due to severe playability issues. Let me define "severe playability issues"... I open the game. The menu is there. I go through...
View ArticleLow FPS
Ever since the 4.3.0 update the game has been almost unplayable I can use the D15 and the FWD GTI looking van thing. If I try to use the sunburst or the twin turbo my fps drops to 30 take note this is...
View ArticlePessima Lowrider V 0.1
A slightly modified version of the Pessima stanced, with chrome wheels from the 200BX Drift and Race models Also Included are a rear wing, labels, and instructions further down in the post. It comes...
View ArticleTrial Mountain
I've been sitting on this gem since oh, 2006. It's a scratch built version originally destined for rFactor. I'm adapting it to this game because I think BeamNG needs a small fun race track for hot...
View ArticlePlease put interior lights
Please put interior lights in the cars, it would make the game more realistic at night.
View ArticleWhere can I find the livery section in the parts menu?
I have installed skins for the sunburst and for the roamer but i can't switch to them! Help?
View ArticleUS police liveries for the Grand Marshal
Nathaniel Hudac submitted a new resource: US police liveries for the Grand Marshal - US police liveries for the Grand Marshal Howdy This is John again. Last week I promised I will make various USA...
View ArticleWhat car should I get when I turn 17
What car should I get when I turn 17 for under 2000 dollars the car has too be made in North America
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