Dashboard Gauges For Beginners: The Explanation
The gauges on a vehicle's dashboard is very crucial, mainly because it both displays and conveys various meanings using a variety of gauges. These gauges also show us when a problem exists. If we know...
View ArticleAn Poor Village.
This is my first map called A poor village. Wich is something like a village where the mayor has no $. It's very bad obviusly because it's my first map.
View ArticleA new Pessima?
Would anyone like to see a new Pessima? Like one that could be produced from 2005-2011 or 2015-2019?
View ArticleVR_City
Description: VR_City is a simple virtual city. Features: Lightweight (3.4MB!) & FPS Friendly Built using modular parts Elevations, simple road layout Lights turn on at night Fully mapped for...
View ArticleGeneral discussion
Are you bored. Well I am... This exactly what the title implies. Just a chat thread. Rules: No offensive language. No quoting long posts. Simple. So whoever is the first to stumble upon this thread...
View ArticleUpdate Speculation thread
I've noticed that many of the official development threads have turned into people just talking about updates and whatnot, clogging up the thread and not actually talking about the...
View Article0.5.2.1 Discussion/Feedback/Bugs-Reporting Thread - READ #1 POST!
This thread is meant to collect feedback for version We would love to hear your feedback You can find the here:http://www.beamng.com/threads/version-0-5-2-1-released.20946/ You...
View ArticleControls For Node Grabbing Update
Hey I want to know the controls of node grabbing. Can you show me the controls? Oh and it is the latest version when this thread is made is version Do you know the controls?
View ArticleToshima
Hi everyone, after a couple projects I don't feel like continuing, today I found one that finally motivated me: It will be a 1:1 scale (or as close as I can get it without having to make calculations)...
View ArticleGeneral computer talk/advice
This is a place to ask hardware questions (like why your GeForce 2 gets poor FPS), get answers, and talk about all kinds of PC stuff. Rules: 1. Only PC-related posts. 2. No flaming. It's fine to state...
View Articlesell your beamng cars
welcome to simon's beamng car dealer we sell used beamng cars and new beamng cars :The rules are ost at least 5 pictures of your car. :describe your car as much as possible. : do no forget about the...
View ArticleGavril D15
The Gavril D15 is a robust full-size pickup truck. This is a 4WD short bed regular cab model, powered by a 233 cubic inch I6 with a 4-speed column-shifted automatic transmission. It weighs roughly 4400...
View ArticleDatsun Fairlady Z
Since there is currently no finished z for Beamng, I have decided I will attempt to make one. I will be making a stock version first, and later add swappable parts, and maybe a rusty version (as I am...
View ArticleVW Golf Mk7
Welcome to my first Thread/Mod. After working on this model for several weeks, I think its time for a thread of its own. This is the first vehicle I have modeled so please bear with me as I develop my...
View ArticleMaking Mods
How Do I make Mods? If anyone could tell me the steps to make a mod, either a vehicle or a map i would be highly great full.
View ArticleA small batch of minor vehicle faults and flaws
Mucking around with this game a lot, I quite like chasing the AI and that means I’ve actually been having a lot of light impacts in order to push the AI off the road and bring them to a halt in the...
View ArticleBruckell LeGran
A terrible, abysmal, horrible car. A favorite among senile grandparents. You want to smash it. I want to smash it. Soon we shall be able to. View attachment 617
View ArticleTuning guide
I've been wanting to learn how to tune cars but I have no idea what the settings mean and how the values affect the car. Does anyone have a nice guide to tuning or a little post that tells you what...
View ArticleSomething is on the horizon ...
r00t submitted a new blog post Something is on the horizon ... Writing the blogpost about what we achieved so far and what we plan for 2016 is taking its time ... too many things to fit into it. Stay...
View ArticleShow off your latest purchase!
Show off what you ever you last bought. It could be anything for anyone. Was going to get a G930 Wireless Headset to replace my G430 but, i saw the G930's were filled with problems, instead i spent...
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