General Car Discussion
Its been bugging me for a while that there are no threads where you can just talk about car related stuff, we have many car threads but those are just limited to 1 basic topic so yeah. I saw this. You...
View Article"super" D-Series
Dudeman submitted a new resource: "super" D-Series - "absolutely crazy fast" -beta tester ever wanted to strap rockets to your truck? ok maybe not but try it anyways To use press "E" on your keyboard...
View ArticleScreenshots!
So I figured it might be cool to post a random screenshot or two every couple of days. Sometimes we might show what we're working on. View attachment 333
View Article1988 Ibishu Pessima CoolMotors Rally
The top request on the poll on Gavril H15 SuperSportVan is for an Overkill Rally Pessima and so that's what I have. "A car created by Ibishu, modified by CoolMotors, and fine tuned by furries. Don't...
View Article[Question] Exporting JBeam from a BeamNG vehicle
So I've stripped away some of the parts of the coupe within the game and exported the JBeams. My questions is why are the exported JBeam files so large as opposed to the original files? View attachment...
View ArticleAny way to get old "pickup_doors.jbeam"?
Somehow, the "pickup_doors.jbeam" file got modified and now vehicles don't spawn. Is there a way to get the old pickup_doors.jbeam back? I must've copied the file to the wrong place when I was screwing...
View ArticleBlue and Red 3D graphics
Hey! I launched my game today and I got some weird looking blue and red 3D graphics for some reason, I haven't found a solution to this on the internet yet and it would be awesome if someone knew how...
View ArticleCommunity Screenshots - Each post an image - Use 'Upload a file' button!
To assure a smooth browsing of the thread for everybody, use the forum attachment system. View attachment 79907 Do not use image URLS, or your post may be removed. I thought we may as well have one...
View ArticleDevelopment Screens (Each post contains a picture OR contributing post.)
Alright most of you guys know the drill. RULES: Pictures are allowed for things you've made from scratch and not in game yet. Each post must contain a picture OR contributing post. Anything that I may...
View Article2000 Gavril Roamer Facelift (and Other New Roamer Parts)
Betatester submitted a new resource: 2000 Gavril Roamer Facelift (and Other New Roamer Parts) - Facelift, tinted windows, and sunroof for the Gavril Roamer. "How do I install it?" Just drop the zip...
View Article[GRAPHICS ENHANCER] Cessni's ReShade Preset 1.3
Hi, This is my first contribution to this forum. Here is the matter: After years of waiting for the graphical update that this game really needs but will not come, I have decided to do something myself...
View ArticleBeamng.RolePlay
someone (cough cough everyone on the community screenshots cough) said that we should make a roleplay thread instead of cluttering up the community screenshots, so here it is! the Beamng Roleplay...
View Article94-97 toyota 4 runner
Welcome to my new and revamped thread. this model i have been working on since August of 2015. this mod was requested by ADAM001 HERE IS A SMALL VIDEO I MADE BEFORE THE CURRENT PROGRESS CURRENT...
View ArticleAdding thermal simulation to my engine mods..
So how do we go about doing this? Here is the current jbeam for one of my engine mods. I looked over the new I6 jbeam and the only new thing I could find was for "particulates" which I added in to my...
View ArticleMap editor: when rotateing object it falls through the other object
I feel this is a bug. It's making it twice as difficult to place objects on a truck to transport around. I just wanted to rotate it in place but it's "moved" and it causes the object to go through the...
View ArticleThe Nevada Interstate (With Download!?) NOT AGAIN!
A few days ago, bumbling about in BeamNG.Drive, I was playing about in other user's maps, in my usual crash-bash-smash manner as most of us do in BEAM MAPS... and I thought to myself: "Gee, why has no...
View ArticleH-Series Crashing Game
Sometimes putting the "Gavril Terra-XT 17x9" wheels on the H-Series will crash the game
View ArticleNode Rope!
this was suggested a couple of times but but never on the official suggestions area the idea is that you could connect two nodes together using a rope by clicking one and then another one (presumably...
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